Why LPG?


Vehicles running on LPG produce far fewer of the harmful emissions associated with traditional road fuels that contribute to environmental and health problems.


Autogas is a safe alternative fuel that is nontoxic, non-corrosive and insoluble in water. Fuelling with autogas is as safe and simple as filling up with gasoline or diesel.


Autogas combines low cost and emissions with easy refueling and range comparable to traditional fuels.


The supply of LPG is secure in the long term and 7 of 10 largest car manufacturers produce autogas vehicles.


LPG is the most commonly used alternative fuel in the world and and increasing number of countries promote its use.


New autogas-electric hybrids and engine technology ensure that autogas is ready for the future.

We are a leading supplier of LPG/CNG/LNG Conversion kits and Tanks. We supply only 100% European made components for best-fit installations around the world. With over 15 years’ experience in the industry and having knowledge from different countries around the globe made us provide the best for our partners in the World. ENERGIA Alliance network is increasing rapidly as we promise to deliver the best products and services at competitive price level.

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